We Build Tomorrows, One Child at at Time

Unique Campus Features

In 1997, Travis christened one of its most moving additions: an outdoor classroom funded by the Mary Jo Klosterman Memorial Fund. Mary Jo, an active parent who was killed in a plane crash in 1994, exemplified the best in the Travis educational community. The outdoor classroom, designed by noted landscape designer and parent, Scott Slaney, is a nautilus-shaped amphitheater integrated into the garden. Installed with the hard work of parents, students and Travis staff, the outdoor classroom accommodates 5 classes and is used for cross-grade activities, speakers, drama activities and other functions. Informally, it serves as a gathering place for parents and students before and after school.

Travis' school/city park, with its unusual dinosaur play space, was created by Travis students and sculptor, Paul Kittleson. Activities during the school day involve physical development on the track, hardtop, and playground apparatus. The Kindergarten classes hold outdoor learning centers in the primary area twice a month. On weekends and weekday evenings the park is available to the community and provides a place for healthy, worthwhile activities.

The Travis Garden serves year round as an outdoor learning laboratory in science. Students have hands-on experience with nature as they plant seeds of their choosing twice a year. They nurture their seeds by weeding and watering until harvest time. Salads, soups, berry desserts and cotton cloth are the products of their planting.

Colorful flowers were planted to attract butterflies and bees. Fruit trees were planted to attract birds for bird watching. Parents built a greenhouse for gardening activities.   Parents, teachers and children especially interested in gardening belong to a Garden Club which meets on Fridays to build beds, borders, bogs, waterfalls, fountains and perform general upkeep activities.




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